Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 4, 2009

Well another crazy day. As usual have the day's plan penciled in and then quickly must change it. Instead of running to Deshler to the park and taking care of an errand there, ended up in Napoleon at the company store and Rite Aid and Walmart. I was able to get a couple good clearance specials at Walmart though, so the trip wasn't a total wash.

The boys ended up with a day off from school though. Because I had plans to take them to see a movie before their Agility Angel class tonight. They were really wanting to see "Aliens in the Attic" and I thought it would be a good time to take them since the theater was only a couple blocks from the class location. They reallllllyyy liked it. The girls and I went to Build-A-Bear and took advantage of their wonderful special. $29.99 for any bear, hanging outfit and pair of shoes. Lydia's bear (because bunny needed a friend) would've been $47.00 without the special. That's alot. So then we had soft pretzels and took goofy pictures in the photo booth. We had a good time waiting for daddy and the boys. Then we all went to class.

The boys are in a Dog Therapy group that helps them direct themselves at appropriate times. The Agility Angels is an all volunteer based group that helps kids with ASD diagnosis. Joey did very well last night, but Brayden just wasn't fully into it. He either lagged behind or was running ahead of his friend. He also was forgetting to give the dog his directions. There's always next week.

Anyway, by the time we got home..I was so tired. And it was bedtime. No school today:)

The good news was I found Joey's DS which has been MIA for over a week. So he was very grateful.

Tomorrow's another day...we'll see how it goes.

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